The Tim Mattimore Collection

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About the Photgrapher

Tim Mattimore is a landscape photographer who hails from New York and now calls Superior National Forest in Northern Minnesota home.

A love of landscape and wildlife photography was born late in life for Tim, who lived in NYC, Chicago, Detroit and Minneapolis for many years working as a Creative Director in the Ad Industry.

It was a trip to Iceland in late 2018 that brought a deep sense of appreciation for nature and the planet we all call home.

There is still a sense of the urban landscape and energy that colored most of Tim’s adult life in his images. “It’s interesting to have been stimulated by something for most of my life - the chaotic, kinetic energy of the city - and then walk into the forest today… it’s a completely different look at the world, yet the feeling I have is similar in many ways…


You can learn more about Tim and his photography on his Instagram page.


Tim's professional site also features some amazing photography.

If you want to purchase prints of any of Tim's photos that are not included in his gallery here, just let us know using the Contact Us option on the main menu.

Prints Available

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